Old Boys’ – Lets Up Our Game!
Seniors, we bring you the 2019 edition of the MOBA News letter. This second
issue, we admit has come too late and sincerely apologize for this.
Though it is late, the content is all very relevant because consistent with our
editorial policy, the bulk of the information contained herein is retrospective.
Nonetheless, we promise to work very hard to make up for lost time and to restore normalcy to the periodicity of our publication in 2020. We trust that you will all cooperate with us in this endeavor.
Day in and day out, MOBA continues to make good strides in pursuit of its mandate. However, our successes are not without challenges, but we prevail and we shall hold on to our firm belief that much more good is in store for us as a fraternity, if we all joined hands to work for the common cause set before us.
Without dwelling on the negatives, we must accept the fact that there s ll persists some level of apathy regarding participation in MOBA events and meeting certain obligations as Year Groups. There certainly must be reasons for this, but what is important is for us to use available channels such as the MOBA National Council to bring them forward so they can be resolved.
This may seem like a long term solution, but in the short term It is very necessary to once again make a passionate appeal to Old Boys not only to show interest but participate actively in the affairs of MOBA.
Our elders say in the Fante language that ‘Wonsom wonsom wɔnye nyimpa.’ Drawing on the essence of these wise words, we are reminded that the success of every endeavor depends on the support, active cooperation and patronage of the people associated with it. Our Fante elders again say that ‘Tsir kor nkɔ egyina’ – one head cannot constitute a council. In other words, it takes the collective efforts of all members of the MOBA fraternity to effectively prosecute our agenda and maintain the Mfantsipim brand and leadership position.
Last but not the least, our inspiring school song, ‘Dwen Hwe Kan’ also expressly reminds us of our mandate to hold firmly onto the great treasures bequeathed us; ‘Hen nananom botae pa wɔ dze yɛ edwuma pa, abɛyɛ hɛn akakyirfo hɛn botae pa.’
And in the wisdom of our forbearers, they purposefully used the word “hɛn” to stress the need to keep this charge as a collective. |
The king’s colorful kente cloth which his subjects so admire, is made up of individual co on strands. But the beauty and durability of the cloth cannot be seen when the strands are pulled apart – In fact there will be no kente cloth to admire. So it is with us as an association. We are the object of leadership, admiration and inspiration to others. But more importantly, we have a responsibility to Mfantsipim, MOBA and to ourselves. These are obligations we must diligently discharge – and with concerted efforts from all – not a few – not some.
MOBA Ebusuapanyin On Appointment Of New Headmaster For Mfantsipim
The following is a statement issued by the Ebusuapanyin of Mfantsipim Old Boys Association (MOBA) to clarify matters relating to the appointment of a new Headmaster for the school.
With the imminent retirement of the Headmaster, Mr. Manfred Barton-Oduro, it has become necessary to have the vacancy filled. Mfantsipim has always stood for excellence and it has always been a pacesetter. Building on the vision and sacrifices of Methodist missionaries and the sweat and toil of staff, and with the immeasurable contributions of Old Boys, parents and guardians and other well-wishers, Mfantsipim has had most of its Headmasters being Old Boys.
The Methodist Church Ghana (M.C.G.) accordingly engaged the MOBA NEC on the issue of the pending appointment of a new Mfantsipim Headmaster. The Presiding Bishop and the Ebusuapanyin of MOBA were both present at all the meetings, and agreed to work together to find the best possible headmaster who would preferably be an Old Boy. In response to the church’s request, a couple of letters were written by MOBA to the Presiding Bishop nominating qualified Old Boys.
The pursuit of excellence and the desire to have an Old Boy as Headmaster have not often coincided. In the past, being an Old Boy of the School has been a pre-condition for a Headmaster of Mfantsipim as against excellence – this has drastically compromised both the educational and managerial standards at Mfantsipim. But over the past several months, a healthy but passionate discussion has ensued on various Old Boy platforms on what should carry the day if excellence and being an Old Boy do not coincide in a candidate. In that event, should the preferred candidate be the best available or should he be the Old Boy?
This once-in-a-century dilemma is now confronting Mfantsipim, a Government-assisted Mission School with a very influential Old Boys’ Association.
As part of the selection process for a suitable candidate, the Methodist Church invited participation from MOBA in an interview for the selection of a Headmaster for Mfantsipim on Thursday 14th May, 2020 at the Methodist Headquarters Conference Room. There were three (3) candidates – two (2) Old Boys and one (1) non-Old Boy and the interview panel was made up of the following:
The Most Rev. Paul Boafo – Presiding Bishop, M.C.G. (Chairman)
Prof. Ato Essuman – Methodist University
The Very Rev. Naana Danyame – Gen Manager of Schools, M.C.G.
The Very Rev. Godwyll – Head of HR, M.C.G. & an Mfantsipim Old Boy.
The Very Rev. Abraham Osei-Donkor Supt Minister, M.C.G.
Capt. Paul Forjoe – MOBA
Anis Haffar- MOBA
Prof. Phillip Bondzi-Simpson – MOBA
The MOBA team, led by the undersigned as Ebusuapanyin, included Mr Anis Haffar, a well-respected Educationist and Prof Philip Bondzi-Simpson the Rector of GIMPA. The MOBA Representatives attended the joint Methodist Church/MOBA interview sessions for the three candidates with the brief that MOBA supported an Old Boy. The representatives also took the view that they would still favour an Old Boy if the non-Old Boy was not evaluated overwhelmingly ahead of the Old Boy. The representatives conveyed these as the wishes of MOBA National to the eight-member interview panel. The panel of fair-minded professionals thereon proceeded to conduct the interviews and assessments of the interviewees on merit as the first step.
The results of the merit evaluation unanimously and by a significant margin favoured the non-Old Boy, Reverend Ebenezer K. Aidoo.
Accordingly, the best candidate was presented for appointment.
But MOBA remains committed to both excellence and to having an excellent Old Boy head the School. Consequently, heeding the requests of MOBA National, the following is to be formally agreed with the Church:
That Rev Ebenezer Aidoo shall serve for a term of four (4) years with all the support that MOBA traditionally gives the School.
That MOBA National shall set out key performance indicators (KPIs) for consideration and adoption by the Governing Board.
The Governing Board-approved KPIs shall be used to assess the performance of the Headmaster at the end of the initial term.
Henceforth, KPIs shall be used for the annual performance appraisal of all Headmasters.
MOBA will use its considerable clout on the School to ensure quarterly meetings of the School’s Governing Board to guide and provide oversight to Management.
Leadership development and succession planning should be priority areas for MOBA National in order to ensure excellence in Mfantsipim Headmasters. The School must reclaim and exceed its glory years.
MOBA National shall put in place modalities for upgrading, grooming and building the capacity of a pool of excellent and suitable candidates to occupy the post of Mfantsipim Headmaster in future.
Suitable Old boys will be given the opportunity to contest for the position of Mfantsipim Headmaster after the term of Rev. Aidoo.
Dated 8th June, 2020
Captain Paul Forjoe Ebusuapanyin
MOBA Donates To COVID-19 National Trust Fund
Ebusuapanyin Capt. Paul Forjoe (’73), on behalf of MOBA has presented a cheque for GHS 200,000.00 to the COVID-19 National Trust Fund.
Receiving the cheque, immediate past Chief Justice and Chairperson of the Fund Her Lordship Sophia Akufo, expressed deep gratitude for the donation and commended MOBA for always rising up to the occasion. She indicated that the fund will soon roll out a comprehensive program designed to offer support to the needy and vulnerable in the country.
On his part, Capt. Forjoe said the gesture was in response to the call by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to organisations and individuals to support the national effort to mitigate the effect of the Coronavirus pandemic on the vulnerable in our society. He added that the amount was raised from voluntary contributions from Year Groups, Chapters and individual ‘Old Boys.’
Present at the ceremony was Dr. William Collins Asare (’65), The Administrator of the COVID-19 Trust Fund and Secretary to the Board of Trustees and Archbishop Justice Ofei Akrofi a member of the Board.
The MOBA delegation included Treasurer, Parry Aboagye, Acting Executive Secretary, Kodwo Morgan, Laud Freeman (’97), Editor of the MOBA Newsletter and Yaw Subiri (’07), Administrative Assistant at the MOBA Secretariat.